23 June 2023
As an agency working on many different accounts, Good Knight is our #1 tool.
NGL, if it wasn't for GK, we'd probably need a few more Wimhoff breathing sessions to sleep at night.
Every once in a while, we need to take a founder aside and rough them up a little, so we can explain GK's value proposition to them (We're talking pillow fight here, don't worry).
GK is complex at first sight, but great in it's simplicity and peace of mind it gives when running a great Discord server.
Which brings us here: did your Discord security specialist just install Good Knight to your server?
You're in good hands!
Let us explain why we think it's important...
Good Knight is the first Discord bot to offer layer-2 security. Its primary focus is to help protect servers both before and after a potential compromise.
It's story time!
Picture this, it’s a busy Thursday morning, your Discord server is 48 hours away from launching its first NFT collection, every channel is booming with excitement…
Until you see an urgent ping from one of your moderators alerting you that someone has just posted a fake purchase link in the Announcements channel!
People are about to get scammed!
You will be called out as a rugger!
The SEC is coming for you and next thing you know, you are testifying to a senate hearing and being lambasted by Gary Gensler himself!
Scenario A
(No Good Knight bot): The link has been posted, some have rushed and don’t even realize their wallets are about to be sent to the gulag. All you can do is delete the message and hope no-one else is sharing the link to friends. Covering yourself and posting as loud as possible that it was a compromise and not to trust any links!
Now the headache of figuring out who managed to post the message, what permissions have been messed with, how do you fix it all?!
Scenario B
(With Good Knight bot correctly installed): The link never got posted.
Why didn’t the link get posted you may ask? Let me walk you through the layers that prevented this…
GoodKnights Anti-link is swift with the action, sometimes it’s annoyingly fast to remove links being posted.But with a carefully curated ‘Allowlist’ of links, you can specify if it’s whole links, or domains that you want to allow to your community.
E.g. “twitter.com/” will allow all things twitter. But “twitter.com/cassie_agency” will only allow the specific twitter link and no others.
“But… What if the hacker was smart and added the link to your allowlist of websites first”
Password Protection
With GoodKnight, you’re required to enter a password before any actions can be done. There’s 3 options when enabling this:
- Password
- One-time Token (authenticator app)
- 2FA (Password and One-time Token)
So even if a staff member is compromised, making any edits or interactions with Good Knight will require a separate password to the account.
“Okay, but what if the link managed to bypass the allowlist, and it wasn’t from one of the teams being compromised?”
In this case, sorry to break it to you. Not much to do at this point and the initial Discord set-up is at fault….
Don't worry. At Cassie, we’re happy to audit your server and give some actionable advice on how you can secure your server for free.

Back to Good Knight bot…
The scenario above is just a typical example of why you would NEED it around. But it’s only scratching the surface of use cases.
We’re talking:
Password Protection, as explained
Anti-link, as explained
Permission Wizard!
The dangerous permissions within a server are a huge risk if in the wrong hands. The permissions wizard enables the option to temporarily access permissions via the bot. This means not only are dangerous permissions temporary available, they are also locked behind passwords.
Server Lockdown!
Although it’s premium, it’s worth the small fee to have it at your hands.
Is something going wrong or has there been a compromise within your team/server?
Just simply do /panic
Good knight will rid all dangerous permissions for all roles, and also lock channels to be viewed and read only till someone unlocks the server. We’re talking full titanium bunker style lockdown.
Works alongside the Anti-link perfectly, like yin and yang. Hackers often try to take advantage of weakly protected servers by posting webhooks.
Good Knight will rid all dangers of webhooks without a sweat. You’ll have full control. Adjust settings to permit the webhooks you need and the rest are zapped away.
Automoderation rules for your server are a must when paired with Discord current built-in Automod.
Imagine having the power to block users from even sending an offensive message, and not using it? Not us. We got this down to a t.
The bot itself also allows for simple user commands (still password protected) so that your moderation team can safely and securely get rid of any stragglers that squeeze past the automoderation system.
To top it all off nicely, the bot also logs everything for you…. Just wow.
So you can look through and update your protection system to the server's needs. Check over what links were attempting to get past your anti-link, check which members got blocked from sending offensive messages.
And if reading all the above was too much for you. Just read this…

Check out Good Knight and visit their website right here!
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